Homeoplant Dosage Conversion for USA


The directions for use in metric in EUROPEAN Units for the Manufacture is Homeoplant in Germany. 


1 Liter is 1000 ml, 33.81 US Fluid onces. 1.06 US Fluid Quarts, or 0.264 US Gallons.

1 hectar is 10,000 squaremeters, 107,639 Sqaure Feet, or 2.47 acres


Garden: liquid (dilution): 1:2000 i.e. 5 ml to 10 L water (=spray mixture) That is 1 ml to 2 Liters (67.6 fluid ounces ) of water.
The D6* is potentised in a special way after the instructions of Kaviraj to increase its effectiveness

Farm: For 1 hectar (10.000 sqaremeter or 107,639 or 2.47 acres) one needs  300-400 Liter water mixed with 150-200 ml homeopathic remedy. That is 61-81 ml of Liquid to 121.5-162 Liters (32-43 US Gallons) per acre.

Globules: ca. 5 big globules (4mm) or 12 small  globules (2-3 mm) to 10 L (2.64 US Gallons) of water (=spray mixture)

NOTE: Our Homeoplant products are soil enhancers exclusively for use on plants and soil. Not for Human use!!!

NOTE: This product comes from Germany. If we do not have in Stock and it is on order from Germany, it may take 2-3 weeks for us to SHIP.

These plant remedies are made by Homeoplant in Germany and we import them. We only carry popular (in USA) remedies. If we do not have the remedy or kit in Stock, we will order from Germany, and it may take 2-3 weeks for us to SHIP. We buy in Euros and prices from shipment to shipment vary due to currency fluctuation.

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 28 April, 2018.

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