An exhaustive therapeutic manual.
The publisher:
We have little apology to make for presenting to the medical profession this first Indian edition of JAHR'S DISEASES OF FEMALES AND INFANTS AT THE BREAST. The authority of Jahr has for all time been acknowledged as superlative, and this particular book was greatly missed by the homoeopathic practitioners all over the world, it being out-of-print for a very long time. After overcoming enormous difficulties we have the opportunity of publishing this edition.
It will be a vain pretension lo introduce Jahr to the readers. His language is all the more remarkable for its complete freedom from technical terms, and particularly this work is so exceedingly easy reading that one would think' Jahr wrote it especially for females. Yet, no phase of the pathology has been overlooked in order to make the book a worthy vade mecum for the physicians,
The war broke out immediately after the book was sent to the press. This has inevitably increased our cost of production. But, we have kept its price as low as possible without sacrificing the quality of the paper, printing and the binding.