Cell Salts for Plants

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Cell Salts for Farm/Ranch and Garden (Plants) 

Cell Salts for Organic Agriculture 

Using tissue cell salts for your plants in organic Agriculture is a great way to improve the health of your plants and gardens with safe and non-toxic remedies. 

Here is a listing the most common uses of cell salts #1-12 used in organic gardening and agriculture.

Cell Salt Agriculture Uses

#1 Calcium fluoride (Calc fluor 6X)

  • Induration, threatening suppuration.
  • Spot blotch, stem rot, stem nematode.
  • The skin or bark is dry and harsh.

#2 Calcium phosphate (Calc phos 6X)

  • Plants are straggly and thin.
  • Sensitive to cold and damp.
  • Debility, prone to rot, weak, thin leaves

#3 Calcium sulfate (Calc sulph 6X)

  • Sulphur deficiency in the soil.
  • Chronic rusts
  • Droopy plants, emaciated.

#4 Ferrum phosphate (Ferr phos 6X)

  • For removal of excessive flow of sap (Arnica and Calendula).
  • 1st stages of rust.
  • Yellow leaf spots, spot diseases, aphids, black leg.

#5 Potassium chloride (Kali mur 6X)

  • Problems arising from excess potassium.
  • Grey moulds, powdery mildew, downy mildew.

#6 Potassium phosphate (Kali phos 6X)

  • Plant in shock from drought, stress, frost, temperature variations. Environmental stress. Nutritional problems, nutrients aren’t absorbed by plant.

#7 Potassium sulfate (Kali sulph 6X)

  • Impaired photosynthesis.
  • Plants that suffer on hot days and during the summer.
  • Yellowing (chlorosis) and rust.

#8 Magnesium phosphate (Mag phos 6X)

  • Plants suffer most in cold, rainy weather, from waterlogging.
  • Cankers of the roots.
  • Plant cannot hold itself up, wilts. Impaired vitality.
  • Yellowing (chlorosis), bronzing, shedding of leaves.

#9 Sodium chloride (Nat mur 6X)

  • Thin, emaciated plants despite fertilization.
  • Flowers produce no pollen or too early production of pollen.
  • Salination problems.
  • Scald, stripe blight, chlorosis.

#10 Sodium phosphate (Nat phos 6X)

  • Remedy par excellence for problems with photosynthesis.
  • Rusts, stripe rusts and all cases that have leaves with a golden scab on it.

#11 Sodium sulfate (Nat sulph 6X)

  • Waterlogging, excess of water with dry leaves, photosynthesis problems, rusts, chlorosis.

#12 Silica

  • Top remedy in plant homeopathy. Weak stunted plants that fail to thrive. Plant is green after transplant but does not grow. Brittle stems and twigs. Small, puny flowers. Damage from overpruning.

Cell Salts Kit

  • All 12 cell salts and one comples


Displaying 1 to 10 (of 16 Products)
Product Image Product Name- Price
(image for) Cell Salt #1 Calcarea Fluorica
Cell Salt #1 Calcarea Fluorica
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(image for) Cell Salt #10 Natrum Phosphoricum
Cell Salt #10 Natrum Phosphoricum
Traditionally used to relieve symptoms* like heartburn,* gas,* and indigestion.* A bubbly gut or a churning belly can be uncomfortable to say the...
(image for) Cell Salt #11 Natrum Sulphuricum
Cell Salt #11 Natrum Sulphuricum
Traditionally used for temporary relief from nausea, vomiting and digestive issues associated with flu.* Are digestive issues like nausea, vomiting,...
(image for) Cell Salt #12 Silicea
Cell Salt #12 Silicea
Silicea, a homeopathic remedy traditionally used to promote healthy skin*, hair, and nails. Are you struggling with skin, hair, or nail issues that...
(image for) Cell Salt #2 Calcarea Phosphorica
Cell Salt #2 Calcarea Phosphorica
If you want to preserve the health of your bones, teeth, and gums.* When it comes to your health, taking care of every aspect of your body and mind...
(image for) Cell Salt #3 Calcarea Sulphurica
Cell Salt #3 Calcarea Sulphurica
Traditionnally used for temporary relief from pustular acne, itchy and irritated skin and joint health. Whether you’re struggling with painful...
(image for) Cell Salt #4 Ferrum Phosphoricum
Cell Salt #4 Ferrum Phosphoricum
May help with fevers*, sore throats*, and other symptoms* we associate with head colds. Has a head cold got you down? As common as the common cold...
(image for) Cell Salt #5 Kali Muriaticum
Cell Salt #5 Kali Muriaticum
To keep your skin at its healthiest,* try Olloïs’ natural Kali Muriaticum treatment. Your skin does more for your body than we give it credit it...
(image for) Cell Salt #6 Kali Phosphoricum
Cell Salt #6 Kali Phosphoricum
Kali Phosphoricum, an all-natural, organic, and mineral-based homeopathic remedy to lend you a helping hand. Day-to-day life comes with its fair...
(image for) Cell Salt #7 Kali Sulphuricum
Cell Salt #7 Kali Sulphuricum
Traditionnally used for temporary relief from itching rash, scaly and chapped skin. Nothing can get under your skin quite like itchy rashes or...
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 16 Products)
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