Relief of Nervous Exhaustion, Irritability, and Sleeplessness
Hyland’s Biochemic Phosphates is a combination of all five phosphates cell salts and is an ideal remedy for relief of symptoms of nervousness, irritability and occasional sleeplessness. The five phosphate cell salt remedies are recommended for functional nervous disturbances and brain fatigue due to overwork and worry. Tablets are flavorless and dissolve immediately without water for no upset stomach.
A Combination of the Five Phosphate Cell Salts*
Cell salts satisfy mineral imbalances in the body, stimulating the body’s natural healing process. When your body lacks these important cell salts, you are more vulnerable to common health concerns. By replenishing them, your body is better prepared to treat illnesses and enjoy better overall wellness. While each phosphate cell salt remedy has its own role in our cells, this combination of all five offers fundamental support when nerves are weary or out of sync due to stress or illness.
T500 is a bottle of 500 Tablets
T1000 is a bottle of 1000 Tablets
T1000 must be ordered and has a 1-2 week delay.